MAGNATE. A female and minority owned professional development boutique was founded by our managing partner Dr. Yashima White AziLove in June 2010. Based in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA, Magnate is a global coaching, consulting and training firm specializing in what humans use more than anything and study less than everything - - communications.
We provide solutions for leadership development and effectiveness. The creative thinking and innovative residue of our origin as a marketing and PR agency remain, but today, Magnate stands as a leading professional development company with a specialty in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. Our research proves the foundation of employee engagement and leadership optimization are the same - connection. Employees need connection, and great leaders want to make it and know they can’t effectively do so without mastering communications and DEIB.
We help organizations: Communicate effectively. Activate people. Accelerate Success
With every brand campaign, PR initiative, written speech or event planned, behind the scenes we were prepping executives for media interviews and meeting presentations. We were always running “bootcamp trainings” for marketing, communications and internal event teams on working collaboratively, executing project plans, supporting their executive, etc. We were training and coaching organically to ensure our campaigns weren’t empty words and our events weren’t just moments in time. It only took one year before our founder realized that not only did she enjoy the work she wasn’t getting paid to do more, but she was better at it than those who attempted to coach and train on the issues she lived first hand as a journalist, marketing communications executive and strategist with years of experience supporting CEOs and CHROs to drive internal and external business and culture. Needless to say, Yashima went back to school for her certification as a professional coach and ultimately received her doctorate degree.
Magnate shifted. By 2013, the majority of our clients wanted us to tap into our creative selves but showcase our academic and experiential learning to customize a unique learning experience for their employees to include training, coaching circles, executive coaching and consulting. Today, we’ve maximized our corporate, journalistic and marketing roots to engage a like-minded, well-rounded team that produces the insight, work and transformation for our clients that few coaching and training organizations can rival.
How did marketers become trainers and coaches?
Really we were doing it all along!

The MAGNATE Difference:
Certified Professional Coaches
Certified DEIB Experts
Seasoned Executive & C-Level Consultants
Engaging & Experienced Facilitators
Skilled Curriculum Developers
Experienced OD & Communication Consultants
Competent Client Project Managers
Creative Minds & Out of the Box Thinkers
Award Winning Marketers